Guided Meditation for Bach Flower Essence Mimulus

Complete course helps you approach life in a clearer, more comfortable way. Available now at DailyOM as “Say Goodbye to Anxiety.”

Releasing Fear

By Max Highstein • 3 Lesson Course • 55 Minutes • Corresponds to the Bach Flower Essence Mimulus

Do you experience moments of paralyzing fear, panic, or anxiety that are out of proportion to situations at hand? If your fear is of a known cause, it corresponds to the Bach Flower Essence Mimulus. Use this program, together with Mimulus, to maximize the benefit of each. 

When fear takes over, it impairs our judgment,  makes us miserable, and causes us to make poor decisions. This program offers an effective way to reduce your fear, and approach life in a clearer, more fully present and comfortable way.

LESSON ONE: Observing Fear and Releasing the Past

  • Introduction
  • Guided Meditation
  • Homework Instructions

LESSON TWO: Learning a New Response to Fear

  • Introduction
  • Guided Meditation
  • Homework Instructions

LESSON THREE: Releasing Fear

  • Introduction
  • Guided Meditation
  • Homework Instructions

Our Customers Say...

"Releasing Fear is a wonderful way to put some space between you and what you fear. This short course has helped me a lot to develop the technique of distancing myself from groundless anxiety. I try to do it daily for about three weeks before the onset of what I know will be an anxiety inducing situation, and it works!!!"

From The Author

Those of us who struggle with fear typically suffer from the residual effects of traumatic experiences early on. Post traumatic stress isn't just about combat. It can just as easily be about harsh treatment in childhood. It doesn't take much to frighten a child in a way that will impact him or her for a lifetime, and a very high percentage of us carry such burdens from the past.

Once we have accumulated some fear, our system seeks a way to release it, and we unknowingly begin to attract situations in life that trigger fear. We may well find ourselves experiencing similar events over and over, wondering Why does this keep happening to me? The answer: Your system is trying to heal itself, and is bringing you opportunities to do so. The key is knowing how to use those opportunities.

Because fear is very uncomfortable, our natural tendency is to try to avoid  feeling it. But avoiding the feeling is the very thing that keeps fear from releasing. So, we continue to carry it around, meanwhile creating all sorts of defenses and other dysfunctional patterns that keep from feeling it, and unfortunately also keep us cut off from life.

It doesn't have to be that way. By learning to be present with fear when it comes up, we can take advantage of those opportunities, and release it. Then that ball of fear within can become smaller and smaller, until it doesn't bother us.

"I developed this guided imgery program specifically to help you learn how to let go of fear, in a safe, natural way. It works. If you've been carrying around fear for too long, do yourself a huge favor, and take this step, now.

Max Highstein