Short Morning Meditation


A daily guided meditation program. Get set up for a great day!


An Easy To Follow Short Morning Meditation

By Max Highstein • 15 – 20 Minutes

Meditation is easy with this program! In this short morning meditation you’ll relax, connect to your higher source, and clear negativity for a clean slate for your day. Then you’ll receive higher guidance, open to miracles large and small, and experience gratitude for your life.

Begin your day with this guided meditation, and fill your days with grace and ease. As you practice, you’ll find it easier and easier to do!

Included in this easy to follow program:

  • Settling In For Meditation
  • Connecting To Higher Support
  • Clearing Your Inner Slate
  • Projecting Love Forward Into Your Day
  • Opening To Miracles
  • Being In Gratitude

All this is covered simply and easily in a short 15 minute program – that you can do each morning. You’ll gain so much by doing just this every day. You’ll notice a difference in just one week. The longer you continue, the more it will help. Download this program now, and get started today!

Our Customers Say

"Yesterday I ordered Morning Meditation and even though I wanted to listen to it right away, I waited until this morning. As soon as I jumped out of bed, I immediately put on my headphones and settled in for the morning meditation. His gentle, velvet voice leads you right into the heart center. Check out this serene and soothing meditation. It is truly worth your time."

"I started listening to the morning meditation every day last week, and there is nothing i love more in the morning than to trade the alarm ring for this meditation. I appreciate how it includes so many elements in one recording. It has protection, invocation, grounding, clearing, connecting, gratitude and space at the end for continued meditation. Thank you!"

"It’s so beautiful, and the music he creates for his meditations curls around my psyche and my heart. Thank you Max. Your morning meditation is wonderful in the afternoon as well."