Sacred Chamber Of The Rosary – Guided Rosary Meditation


Transform your devotional practice with this gentle guided rosary meditation. FREE! Just add to cart and checkout.

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Transform your devotional practice with this gentle guided rosary meditation. Use this program just prior to your Rosary, to open your heart, uplift your mind, and connect with God.

“Make yourself comfortable, and close your eyes…” This program begins with a gentle relaxation process, designed to help you open your heart, and lift your mind.

For many Catholics, praying the Rosary is a conduit to God’s grace. Padre Pio, who was devoted to the rosary, said: “Through the study of books one seeks God; by meditation one finds him”.

Prayer and meditation are cornerstones of spiritual life. But how can we transcend “rote” recitation, and experience more of the true connection to God’s love that we seek? This guided rosary meditation was made to help us do exactly that. Listen to Sacred Chamber of the Rosary just before you begin your prayers, and discover more.

In this guided meditation, with gentle narration and soft background music, you’ll set aside your daily cares, and meet with Jesus, Mary, and all the Saints and Angels who help bring us God’s love. It just a few minutes you’ll shift your perspective, make a deeper connection within, and then begin your Rosary prayers with new enthusiasm.

From the guided rosary meditation: “Stepping onto that stairway, you’re soon transported to a beautiful room above, a sacred chamber, open to the heavens, and filled with heavenly light.