By Max Highstein, Kitzie Stern narrates
• Introduction: 2:25
• Guided Meditation: 20:53
How do you feel about your body? Your “body image” – the way you see yourself, and your attitude about your body, greatly influences your self esteem, your emotional well being, and even your physical health.
If you’re interested in improving your health, recovering from illness, losing weight, or becoming more fit, never underestimate the importance of a positive body image. And if you struggle with an eating disorder, you’ll want to pay especially careful attention to this issue.
In this gentle guided meditation for overcoming body image issues by Max Highstein, voice artist Kitzie Stern guides you on a journey to a lovely, secluded setting, full of healing energy. There you’ll have the opportunity to view your body with objectivity and neutrality, be at peace with yourself, and see your own body — and yourself — with compassion and appreciation.
You’ll let go of negative messages you may have repeated to yourself over time, and affirm new, positive ones. And you’ll have time to listen to what your body has to tell you about your next steps.
Overcome body image issues today and put yourself on a path to a better life. Take control of how you view yourself and learn to let go!