Finding Hope – MP3


By Max Highstein • About 12 Minutes

When we have trouble finding hope, it’s impossible to truly enjoy life. And when we have struggled for a long time, hopelessness can set in and be difficult to clear. Hopelessness can stay onboard with us for so long that cobwebs start to form. Then we can forget what hope even feels like. At that point it can take an outside stimulus to shake off hopelessness, and bring us back into the light. This gentle guided imagery program can provide that stimulus, and help us find hope.

This unusual program takes the form of a story, in which we’re searching for an old friend, named Hope, in a town in the midwestern US, called “New Hope”. When the word associations and metaphors in this guided meditation find their way into us, something magical occurs.

Although we can loose touch with hope, it’s always still there within us, waiting for us to connect. If hope and optimism has felt absent from your heart for too long, use this program to re-connect, and find it.

From the Program

"...And so you decide to rest, and find a park, with a grassy lawn, and some comfy old benches, where you settle down, close your eyes and take a snooze for a while. Soon you’re dreaming about going door to door, and finding no Hope. And in the dream you’re sitting on the curb, when you see a car go by, and for just a moment, just before the car passes out of sight you think you see Hope riding along in the front seat..."

From Max Highstein

Over the years, I've come to believe in magic. I'm not referring to card tricks, although those can be fun. I believe in the kind of magic where one person can effect another person with a word, a touch, or even a thought, and help them.

All of us get stuck from time to time. We get stuck in our thinking, in our attitude, in our emotional state. And of course we get stuck in a rut of living a certain same way.

When we get stuck, there are all sorts of things we could do to help ourselves, and to gain help from the outside. But when we're stuck, we often tend not to reach out for help. That's part of the nature of being stuck.

I make guided meditation programs like this one as my own kind of magic potion. The ingredients I include -- words, imagery, sounds, music, a certain tone of voice -- are all chosen to have a specific kind of effect on you, the listener. I want to help you break free, look up, and feel better about yourself and your life. I'm doing magic to help you get unstuck.

This program is just a little story. But then again, it might be something more. If you listen to it, you'll find out.