12 Cosmic Healers – MP3


Archangels send healing light and sound to 12 different areas of your body.

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12 Archangels Send Healing Energy To Your Body

By Max Highstein • 28:00 • MP3 Download or Play (This is not a CD.)
Leigh Taylor-Young narrates

Very etherial and mystical, 12 Cosmic Healers is a journey into the heavens, where 12 great Archangels, each in a different sign of the zodiac, send healing light and sound to twelve different ares of your body. This program corresponds musical key signatures with astrological signs and the body. It’s quite a trip! Magnificently narrated by Leigh Taylor-Young, with Max Highstein on piano and synthesizers.

From The Author

"12 Cosmic Healers was the first guided meditation I created, way back in 1984. It was originally released on cassette, and has never been published on CD. Amazingly, people still contact me to say their cassette has finally worn out from listening to it so often, and ask me where they can find it! It's available now as a download!

"Actress Leigh Taylor-Young, famous for her roles in movies and TV, graciously agreed to record the narration for this piece. With its 'out of this world' music, unusual script, and Leigh's beautiful narration, I think this is a very special guided meditation. And it seems to effectively take the listener away to another world. Please enjoy the ride!" -- Max Highstein