University Health Center Offers Guided Imagery for Cancer Patients

UNT (University of North Texas) Health Science Center is offering guided imagery to help reduce the different effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients. This technique will assist the patients by providing a way to help reduce stress, anxiety, depression and pain management during chemotherapy.

smart-woman-01The Training Resources In Understanding My Power In Healing (TRIUMPH) program is teaming up with a team of medical educators and graduate level nursing program at TCU as well as UT Arlington to create guided imagery module for nursing students.

TRIUMPH program director, Susan Franks, Ph. D., has said that that almost everyone associates negative thoughts and images when they think of cancer. This causes many cancer patients to develop more side effects and anxiety. When an cancer patient uses guided imagery has a technique to help overcome their negative thoughts, they will have a better chance of improving their quality of life and thus allowing this to cope more successfully.

TRIUMP has delivered learning materials about guided imagery to over 100 cancer centers all over the United States. These materials have encouraged cognitive techniques and give cancer patients a positive outlook. More about this program…