New Guided Meditation Events, May 2014

posted in: Meditation

meditation-groupRacine, WI
If you’re struggling with personal issues or stuck on a difficult situation in your life, there are a couple guided meditation events that could help you relax and open up your body, mind and spirit. If you have always wanted to learn meditation, come out and see what it guided meditation has to offer.

On June 18th, 2014 Racine Accupunture is hosting a guided mediation even from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Chris Kann is the organizer that will discuss and help guide you through this mediation session. The cost for this event is donation only. Contact Chris Kann by telephone at (262) 498-1910 or email

Bronte, ON, Canada

On Sunday May 11th, 2014, Christine has started a 10 week guided mediation event. Every Sunday from 4:45 pm to 5:15 pm at Cj’s Café in Bronte, you will be able to come out and learn about meditation and find peace and tranquility in a supportive environment.

Christine has been practicing guided mediation for over 7 years and is a licensed auricular therapy practioner in addiction and mental health counseling and withdrawal management. Contact Christine or to pre-register by email